Monday, October 15, 2012


I want EMAIL CONFIDENCE. You may be wondering what EMAIL CONFIDENCE is. Well let me explain. In email, I can be very confident and assertive without being aggressive if that makes sense. But if I am speaking to you in person, I have to search for words and I tend to be quite shy about getting my point across to someone.  This is the case in some situations for me.  In emails, I can be so confident and get my point across so well but it would be like a totally different person if I were to ask or present the topic in person. Sad but true. As I am writing this, I am wondering if it is just about confidence or just being prepared. I can say that when I go into a situation thinking that I am prepared but it becomes quite clear that I am not when I begin to speak. It is quite frustrating because you always want to appear to be put together and on top of things. My husband suggests that I practice speaking but can that truly help when you have to talk about or present something out of the blue? Maybe it can if you want it to. I wonder why I have such a hard time doing this because I have all figured out in my head but when comes time to say it I can sound like an idiot. Maybe that is a bit harsh but that is how I feel at times. I can know about something and be confident in my knowing but when it comes to sharing I feel like people will look at me and wonder “what makes her such an expert?” or “why should I take what she says seriously?”. I know that it doesn’t help to feel this way but it is how I feel. I want that EMAIL CONFIDENCE!


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