Saturday, September 8, 2012

To Edify or Not to Edify...What It Means

ed·i·fy 2
Instruct or improve (someone) morally or intellectually.
Synonyms: educate 

This is an important word in a successful relationship. If you are not feeding you partner emotionally, intellectually, and physically then your relationship will not grow. A marriage cannot improve without some gardening taking place. You have to make sure your partner knows how you feel about them daily. Sometimes just saying I love you IS not enough. Let them know that you are the happiest person on earth because they are in your life. Tell them that you thank God daily for Him allowing the two of you to meet and become one. Tell them that you appreciate everything they do for you and your family. Let them know you noticed the little thing they did. All these things matter. Even if your partner seems like they don't care about it, they do. Edifying your mate is merely fertilizing your marriage garden. Fertilizer is an essential part of gardening. If you don't fertilize your garden, it may grow but not at it's best. If you fertilize the garden with the wrong stuff, it won't grow. The wrong stuff to fertilize your marriage with is complaining, nagging, ignoring, belittling, talking behind their backs. I think you get what I am saying. But when you fertilize with love, understanding, praise, encouragement, listening, your marriage garden has no other choice but to flourish. Take some time and think about your relationship. Have you edified your partner today?


  1. This is so beautiful. Yes, our marriages require edification and especially when we don't want to. Way to encourage!

    1. Thank you! Trying to inspire everyBODY, one perSKIN at a time!

  2. Yes! Yes! and Yes! I also equate this with intimacy. My minister helped me define intimacy as the meeting of one another's needs. When both husband and wife are focused on meeting the needs of each other, oh my how the flowers grow and blossom. ;-)

    1. It is wonderful when you are in a relationship and both of you are on the same page. It is a blessing.
